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Ziya's New Shoes

Ziya's New Shoes

Ziya is lucky enough to live near the town of Oscarville, where all the little girls have beautiful clothes, perfect ribbons in their hair and shoes to match.
But her family is poor and her father has to grow vegetables on his patch of land, to sell to the townsfolk every Saturday, just so he can feed his family.
Every week, Ziya goes with him to town and looks at all the beautiful shoes in the shop window. Often, she would be the butt of cruel jokes from other children, but Ziya never gave up hope and always prayed, every night, hoping that she would one day get the shoes she wanted.
Now, the next time she went to town with her father, something remarkable happened.
Can you guess who Ziya will meet? Do you know what will happen? Will she get the shoes she always desired?

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